
Gifts and Donations

Help us empower individuals with disabilities in Texas to live full and joyous lives!

In addition to regular donations, we urge our benefactors to think about techniques of providing that are most beneficial to them. Feel free to reach out to one of our team members to discuss how we can assist in making gifts to The Arc of the Capital Area.

Memorial and Tribute Gifts

If you wish to remember someone who was close to you, making a memorial or tribute donation is an excellent way to do so. Your contribution will help The Arc of the Capital Area to keep defending the rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and aiding their families to guarantee their complete integration and active participation in their community. Your generosity will be an emblem of your loved one’s memory, allowing them to lead a more fulfilling life and become a meaningful part of society, while also granting them the hope of a brighter tomorrow. Click here to learn more.

Legacy and Planned Gifts

When you contribute to The Arc of the Capital Area through a legacy or planned gift at the point of your passing, you are helping to guarantee that this organization can keep providing help to people with disabilities by developing and improving its services and programs. Several methods of making a legacy gift to The Arc of the Capital Area are available, such as naming them a beneficiary on an individual retirement account, designating them as the beneficiary on a life insurance policy or annuity, or including them in your last will and testament. Click here to learn more.

Advantageous Giving Plans

In addition to regular donations, we urge our benefactors to think about techniques of providing that are most beneficial to them. Feel free to reach out to one of our team members to discuss how we can assist in making gifts to The Arc of the Capital Area. Here are some advantageous giving plans that you may take into account.

Donate Your Car

The Arc’s car donation program is a great way to support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). Not only does the donation have a meaningful impact on those in need, it can also have a tremendous financial impact for those donating. By donating a car, you are helping The Arc further its mission of ensuring that everyone enjoys full participation in the community and is treated with respect, equality, and security. Click here to learn more.

Texas Cowboys Donations

“Supporting The Arc is our history and our legacy. It’s our obligation to continue our commitment to serve individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities in the name of the Texas Cowboys who have come before us and will follow in the future” – Gary Farmer
Learn more about donating in the name of the Texas Cowboys here.

Other Ways to Give

The Arc of the Capital Area values the community support in so many ways! Check out some of the other ways to give to The Arc of the Capital Area here.