
Our Employment Specialists support individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to find and maintain competitive integrated employment in the Austin community. Participants receive a level of support that meets their current skills, experience and employment needs. The goal of these services is to help individuals find employment that is aligned with their unique strengths, abilities, priorities and interests.

Educational advocacy-sevices

Autism Assets @ Work

Our initiative to prepare individuals with an autism diagnosis for job placement in the IT industry.

Learn More About Autism Assets @ Work


Vocational Rehabilitation (TWC-VR)

Our vocational rehabilitation services include:

Supported Employment
Job Placement
Work Experience
Environmental Work Assessment
Job Skills Training
Personal Social Adjustment Training

Learn More About Our Vocational Rehabilitation services


HCS Medicaid Waiver

For individuals on the HCS Medicaid Waiver

Learn More About HCS Employment Services


Wait-list for Grant Funded Employment Services

If you are not enrolled with TWC or HCS, complete the referral below to be added to the wait list for our grant funded, supported employment program.

Referral Link


*This program is administered by the Governor’s office with support from the Texas Workforce Commission.

More information

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Get in touch and let us know how we can help you.